Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Staying Close to God

Sometimes we may feel far away from our Father, but nothing can alter our relationship with Him.

A devastating event can certainly strain how we see our relationship with God, but sometimes it’s the everyday grind and goings-on—the mundane things—that most distract us. Yet there’s no need to spiral into shame about the struggle to remain aware of (and present with) Him. In fact, it’s often in the stuff of daily life that we best learn how to maintain a rich connection with the Lord. And when nothing else is helping, we have the gift of His creation to lead our hearts home.

Remember that there’s nothing wrong with struggling to stay focused—we all go through days, weeks, or seasons where connecting feels a little harder. Instead of concentrating on our frustrations and failures, we can choose instead to nurture gratitude in our heart. Connecting with God’s Word daily positions us to hear from Him. And let’s be watchful for the many opportunities our loving Father provides for us to practice knowing Him better.

Think about it

  • Isaiah 40:11 says, “Like a shepherd He will tend His flock, in His arms He will gather the lambs and carry them in the fold of His robe; He will gently lead the nursing ewes.”

What do you enjoy about this description of God?

By Dr. Charles Stanley
Used by Permission

Further Reading

•   What Do You Want Jesus to Say When you Meet Him Face to Face?

•  More than a Father

•  Salvation Explained


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The post Staying Close to God can be found online at Daily Devotionals by Thoughts about God.

from Daily Devotionals by Thoughts about God

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