Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Not That Simple

Leave your simple ways and you will live; walk in the way of insight.’ Proverbs 9:6

Living the Christian life isn’t an easy thing.

Has anyone ever told you being a Christian is easy? Did you laugh in response? If you have been a believer for more than fifteen minutes, you probably have realized it’s not.

Becoming a Christian seems simple enough — accept the fact that you cannot save yourself or ever earn your way into Heaven. Instead receive the free gift Christ already purchased for you. And yet, for many it becomes so very difficult because their pride, skepticism, or feelings of unworthiness snag them.

In a strange way, the world’s method is the simpler one. The world says you have to “make it on your own” with blood, sweat, and tears. “Every man for himself.” “The one with the most toys wins.” “Be all you can be.”Just do it.” You know the slogans.

But Christ tells us to open our hands and hearts to receive that which his blood, sweat, and tears already provide. Be servants, not masters. Put others first. Die so you can live. In your weakness, there will be immeasurable strength.

And the world scratches its head and claims this is either too foolish or too hard.

Paul understood the dichotomy way back in the first century. For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength” (1 Corinthians 1:25).

How about you? Will you give up the simple ways to embrace the deeper, richer foolishness of God? You may find it is the wisest decision you ever made.

Dear Lord, you know how hard it is to swim upstream against the currents of culture. Help me to lean on your strength and not my own limited understanding. Teach me daily to embrace your wisdom and insight instead of the simple lies of the world. Amen.

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the behaviors or habits in your life that are unwise. Ask him to help you understand his calling on your life and to walk in obedience, especially when you face temptation to turn away from him.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

The post Not That Simple can be found online at Daily Devotionals by Thoughts about God.

from Daily Devotionals by Thoughts about God

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