Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Heart Change

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

God brought Alyssa through one of the darkest times of her life.
Her dream was to dance professionally.  But in her late teens, a fall shattered her hopes.
The pain was incredible.  The doctor said she’d never dance or walk again.

Before the accident, Alyssa Barlow thought she knew her life’s plan.  Afterwards,  she became angry at God.  She sulked in her room for two months.

But then God began to soften her heart.  The Bible said God loved her, even if she was never on stage again.  And He still had a plan for the rest of her life.  So she prayed and trusted Christ for the next step.  And without explanation, she was healed.

Dear one, God can sustain you through your dark days.

Trust Him for your life’s plan.

By Vonette Bright
used by permission

Further Reading

•  The Gift of Forgiveness | by John William Smith

•  Forgiveness Opens the Door  | by Helen Lescheid

 Prayer of Forgiveness and Release

•  Salvation Explained


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The post Heart Change can be found online at Daily Devotionals by Thoughts about God.

from Daily Devotionals by Thoughts about God https://ift.tt/0ZImhvz

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