Monday, November 7, 2022

How to Turn Tangled Thoughts into Trust

I was planning to read Psalm 18 before falling asleep last night. A busy day, a weighty decision, concern for a loved one, and questions about the future. Sometimes we just need to come up for air.

But as I read, I couldn’t get past verse 2.

It took multiple readings to let its nine-fold truth about God sink in—a concept that left Him looming larger than my tangled thoughts.

The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. (Psalm 18:2)

This verse begged to be read over and over again. God’s might is articulated in beautiful imagery and powerful repetition.

Then I noticed how many “my’s” are included in this array of God-attribute reminders.

My rock.
My fortress.
My deliverer.
My God.
My strength.
My shield.
The horn of my salvation.
My high tower.

It’s almost as if he doesn’t want us to miss the fact that this powerful God is OUR God.

Our tangled thoughts in weakness never overwhelm our strong God. He wants us to lean them all against His strength.

One “attribute” in this list is different. Worded differently, as if the tables turn for a brief moment, it sits up from its middle position and makes an announcement.

Our rock, fortress, deliverer, God, strength, shield, horn of salvation, and high tower is also the One “in whom I will trust.”

I finished reading Psalm 18 today. As the Psalm continues, David beautifully describes how God came to His rescue when David depended on Him.

How should every tangled thought respond to such a powerful God?


“He is a shield to all those who trust in him.” (Psalm 18:30b)

By Bethany Hayes
Used by Permission

Further Reading

•   God Is…

•  Attributes of God

•  Salvation Explained


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The post How to Turn Tangled Thoughts into Trust can be found online at Daily Devotionals by Thoughts about God.

from Daily Devotionals by Thoughts about God

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